rates are estimated as high as 60%–79% in patients requiring noninvasive oxygen support [25,26], our preliminary findings suggest that ExoFlo may be a preventativemeasure against progression to invasive oxygen supportand mechanical ventilation, though further studies withrandomized controlled trials (RCTs) are warranted to proveefficacy. In total, 75% of cohort B (16/20) recovered, as evidenced by discharge from the hospital, demonstrating a profound reversal of disease progression and suggesting that theoptimal time to administer ExoFlo is early in the cytokinestorm. Overall, treatment with ExoFlo was associated with an83% survival rate and a significant improvement in oxygenation as evidenced by a mean increase of 191% in PaO2/FiO2ratio (P< 0.001) as well as reduced oxygen support requirements within 48–72 h. Improved PaO2/FiO2 ratio >200 mmHgby day 3 post-treatment was strongly predictive of eventualhospital discharge and recovery.