Izimo ezisetyenziswayo zokuhlawulwa kwezingxobo zicacile.Kungoko, ukuziphatha kwesihloko kwenza ububi, kodwa ngexesha elinye, izinto ezifanelekileyo zobugcisa zibe lula ngokubanzi, kwaye akukho mfuno zokuthathwa kwezigqirha, ezingakhuselwa kwiintshukumo okanye ezinye iindlela zokunyango.However, in my opinion, there should be an additional condition for the decriminalization of misdemeanors, that is, the offender has obvious repentance or behavior.Kuphela xa kukho ukuguquka, kungenzeka ukuba kubuye ukwenza ulwaphulo-mthetho kwixesha elizayo.If all of them are sentenced to non punitive treatment, it is a kind of connivance to criminals. Therefore, when formulating the non punitive system for minor misdemeanors, we should attach the conditions that the circumstances of the crime are light and there is repentance.