4.4. Data analysis
The data analysis process of this study consists of six steps:
activity identifying, categorising, coding theme ordering, and
within-case- and cross-case- analyses. Based on archival records
stakeholders'activities in every case were initially identified
and then confirmed by interviews. Regarding three generic
categories in the theoretical framework, all activities from four
cases were classified into direct, lobbying and bolstering.
Within each category, the activities having similar characteris-
tics were then grouped in a specific strategy theme. As the
themes were mostly based on past studies presented in Fig. 1,
the provisional coding technique was used(see Saldana, 2009).
Specific strategies were subsequently presented in sequentia
orders for examining potential combinations. The data analysis
method in this research follows the guideline of Stake(2013)
and Miles et al. (2014). The results from each case are
presented separately, followed by cross-case analyses.
5.1. Coding
Since stakeholders possess a project's initial inputs, they can
affect it directly by withholding these inputs or allow the inputs to
be employed with conditions. In Case 4, Con Dau's villagers