Furunculosis was defined as rupture of follicles with release of hair and keratin into the surrounding dermis and usually accompanied by inflammation.Comparison of Right to Left Ears.At the 1-hour sacrifice, more striking changes were observed in the right ear than the left ear.There was an increased incidence and severity of congestion of small vessels in Groups 2-5 in the right ear compared to the left ear.The mean group severity of acute hemorrhage was also generally increased in right ears compared to left ears.The severity of acute hemorrhage was highest in the right ears of Group 2 with decreasing severity in Group 3 and Group 4.Group 4 mean severity for acute hemorrhage was equivalent to that observed in Group 5.The severity of regional necrosis in the right ears was greatest in Group 3 and then Group 2 with Group 4 having the least severe regional necrosis, but of more importance was the lack of regional necrosis in the left ears.Tinctorial change of dermal collagen was observed in the right ears of Groups 2, 3, and 4 but was not observed in the left ears.Also, there was a tinctorial change in the endothelium of the vein of right ears from Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 with a very low incidence of a similar change observed in left ears in only Groups 1 and 3.Two of the three ears had slight/mild congestion of small vessels, and two ears had minimal to slight/mild acute hemorrhage.One of the ears had minimal margination of leukocytes in the vein.Two of two ears had severe/high congestion of small vessels and moderately severe to severe/high regional necrosis.One of the ears had moderately severe tinctorial change of the endothelium of the vein, and the other ear had slight/mild acute hemorrhage.Both ears in this group had moderately severe to severe/high congestion of small vessels and moderate to severe/high acute hemorrhage.The other ear had minimal acute inflammation, minimal margination of leukocytes in the vein, and slight/mild tinctorial change of the endothelium of the vein.Moderately severe vacuolation of the media of a small arteriole was also noted in this same ear.Two of the three ears in this group had slight/mild congestion of small vessels.Two of three ears had slight/mild acute hemorrhage, slight/mild acute inflammation, and minimal to slight/mild margination of leukocytes in the vein.Two of the three ears also had slight/mild to moderate tinctorial change in the endothelium of the vein.One ear had a thrombus noted in a small vein, which was characterized by accumulations of pink, strand-like, and granular material, but with no evidence of spindle cell infiltration or organization to suggest a thrombus of long duration.Two of the three also had minimal to moderate acute hemorrhage.One ear had slight/mild tinctorial change of the endothelium of the vein.All three ears in this group had slight/mild to moderately severe acute hemorrhage, and one had slight/mild acute inflammation.Both ears in this group had slight/mild to moderate congestion of small vessels.One of the ears had minimal acute hemorrhage, and the other had slight/mild acute inflammation.Both ears in this group had minimal to slight/mild congestion of small vessels and acute hemorrhage.One of the ears had a moderate platelet clot observed attached to the vein wall.All three ears had slight/mild to severe/high congestion of small vessels.Two of the three ears had moderate acute hemorrhage, and one of the two ears also had slight/mild acute inflammation and moderately severe margination of leukocytes in the vein.An embolus, consisting of a hair, was seen in a vessel in the deep dermis.One of the ears had a slight/mild acute hemorrhage, and another had slight/mild acute inflammation.