3-6. An approach march load includes the fighting load plus additional essential equipment. The approachmarch load may include an assault pack or rucksack and all the other items not needed in the fighting loadbut now required. Approach march loads, for when direct contact with the enemy is intended, are dropped inan assault position, in an objective rally point, or when receiving effective enemy fires prior to an assault.(The key word is “effective” enemy fires, not contact, dropping carried loads will always delay the operationduring recovery of dropped gear/equipment.) Execution of this technique must be planned for and rehearsed,and may require transportation assets, when available, to retrieve equipment later in the operation. Anapproach march load allows Soldiers to fight and sustain themselves until resupplied, though, approach marchloads should not exceed 100 pounds. Table 3-2 on page 3-4 lists possible items carried in an approach marchload.