Motivation refers to the effective realization of the organization and its individual goals through the design of appropriate external reward forms and working environment, certain codes of conduct and punishment measures, and means of information communication.Incentives include the following five elements:1. Incentive subject refers to the incentive provided by organizations or individuals.2. Incentive object refers to the incentive object.3. Incentive object refers to the achievement achieved by the behavior desired by the incentive subject.4. Motivators, also known as motivators, or incentive inducers, refer to those that can cause the incentive object to work, which can be material or spiritual. Motivators reflect desires.5. Incentive environment refers to the environmental factors in the incentive process, which will affect the incentive effect. The fundamentals of management suggest that people's performance at work depends on their level of competence and motivation. No matter how high a person's ability, if he is not highly motivated and has a low level of motivation, he will never achieve good work performance. Therefore, ability and motivation level are two key factors for people to achieve high work performance.