Lard or lard derivatives Shall not detected Complied PMicro organism Not more than 100 CFU/ g <10 CFU/ g PRancidity(peroxide number) Not more than 10 meq/kg by mass 2,12meq/kg PParticle size of undispersed pigments in microns Not more than 40um by mass. 31 PArsenic Not more than 2mg/kg N.D PHeavy metal(as Pb) Not more than 20mg/kg N.D PEscherichia coli Shall be free from Escherichia coli Complied PStaphylococcus Aureus Shall be free from Staphylococcus Aureus Complied PPseudomonas Aeruginosa Shall be free from PseudomonasAeruginosa Complied PCandida albicans Shall be free from Candida albicans Complied PHg Not more than 3ppm N.D PCd Not more than 3ppm N.D P