With the development of semiconductor integration technology, the integration degree of single chip microcomputer will be higher and higher, the volume will be smaller and the function will be larger and larger. The 80-series is one of the best in c51 single-chip family, and intel has transferred or sold the use of its 80-core MCS-51 to the world in the form of patent swaps. Many famous integrated circuit manufacturers such as philips, NEC、Atmel、AMD、winbond and so on have improved 80 c51. with many of the features of the 80-series As a result ,80 C51 will become a large family of hundreds of varieties supported by many manufacturers, now collectively known as C51 80 series. 80C51 single chip microcomputer has become the mainstream of the development of single chip microcomputer. experts say that although there are many different types of MCU, in the world with different functions and incompatible development devices, objective development suggests that 80 C51 may eventually form de facto standard MCU chips.