Our plan is to begin planning in January and we expect to be able to finalize the Final Program on January 15 and roll out and accept applications starting on January 16. It will take three months to promote, close registration on April 10, and then send an interview notice to applicants starting April 13. On April 20, arrange for the person in charge and the finance to go to the venue to communicate the arrangement activities, as well as pay the venue booking fee. Confirm the number of sponsors on April 25. Interviews for college and high school students were scheduled on May 25th and June 15th, respectively, and were conducted by the program manager and coach. There will be a pre-camp party on June 20 , which will be attended by all participants in the event , where they will be asked to take precautions and get to know each other initially . Finally, we expect to officially hold the event on July 25, 26, 27.