Starting traffic 1. Make sure the intersection is clear and safe. 2. Place yourself with your side toward to the vehicles you want to move. 3. Look directly at the lead driver and point at them with your arm fully extended. 4. Make sure the driver has noticed your gesture. Turn your palm up, bend your arm at the elbow, and swing your hand up from the elbow and past your chin making a semi-circle. This looks like the common signal used for “Come here.” 5. Repeat the gesture until the traffic begins to move. 6. When the traffic begins to move, drop your hand to the side. 7. Repeat steps 3 to 5 with your other arm for traffic coming from the opposite direction. Slow or timid drivers may need extra help to start moving. Repeat the gesture, but don’t overuse it. It may make them more nervous and cause an accident. If traffic is to be started from both directions, repeat the procedure for traffic coming from the other direction.