Method of direct conversion of light electricity This method uses the photoelectric effect to directly convert the energy of solar radiation into electrical energy The basic device of the conversion of light electricity is a solar cell. A solar cell is a device that directly converts the energy of sunlight into electrical energy due to the photovoltaic effect. It's a semiconductor photo diode. When the sun shines on the photodide, the photodide will convert the energy of sunlight into electricity. Current. When many batteries are connected in series or in parallel, they can become a square matrix of solar cells with relatively large output power. The solar cell is a promising new source of energy with three advantages: permanence, cleanliness and flexibility. Solar cells have a long lifespan. As long as the sun exists, they can be used for long-term investments. Compared to thermal energy generation and nuclear power generation, solar cells will not cause environmental pollution. The power plant is so small that it can only be used by one family, which has no equal in other energy sources.