Calculation: Water storage points in the network are not isolated. In order to model their interaction, water storage points can be divided into several categories. Through interaction, the classification of water storage points will change. In order to introduce different people, it can be assumed that water storage points have different threshold, and only when the influence is strong enough will it be affected by nearby water storage points. In order to introduce the diversity of ideas to be spread, the preference of water storage points can be divided into spatial (the closer to yourself, the better) and hedonic (the more, the better). Combined with different network structures, we can model the water spread on the network in different ways. 2. People don't interact only once, Markov chain reflects the influence of different interactions on individuals, while random walk and path dependence can be regarded as the two extremes of the pattern generated by the continuous interaction between people. The result of interaction may be cooperation or mutual harm, which requires the introduction of game theory, signaling model in economics, group choice and fame to explain why cooperation is possible. 3. For example, Markov chain can analyze the relationship between speeches before and after, and the model of information dissemination can predict the voting result.