Injection: 20 uL of the test solution and reference solutions(b)and (c)Identification of impurities use the chromatogramsupplied with aprepitant for system suitability CRS and thechromatogram obtained with reference solution(c) to identithe peak due to impurity ARelative retention with reference to aprepitant(retentiontime= about 15 min): impurity A= about 0.97.System suitability: reference solution (c)resolution: minimum1.5 between the peaks due toImpurity A and aprepitantLimitsImpurity A: maximum 0. 15 per centunspecified impurities: for each impurity, maximum0. 10 per cent;total: maximum 0. 2 per centreporting threshold: 0.05 per cent (reference solution (b))Water (2.5.32): maximum 0.2 per cent, determined on 0.200 gby direct sample introductionSulfated ash(2.4.14): maximum 0. I per cent, determined on1.0 g in a platinum crucible