1. Ball jack screw: What is the working principle and function? Is it used alone? The jack screw is installed in the PK-850, group R, ingot stacking conveyor. So it is used for the movements of the conveyor.2. Chain guide: There are several Z-shaped metal blocks in the attached picture. No picture attached Are these the accessories of the chain guide rail? The guides are installed in the PK-850, group M ingot receiving conveyor. What is the effect on the chain guide? The guides are used for the guidance of the chain of the ingot receiving conveyor.3. The mechanical component for anthropomorphic robot: is it a rack? No. They are the clamp of the robot. What is his role? Keeping fixed the lead ingots during movements of the robot. Does it have a transmission function? No. How does it work? Opening/Closure of the clamps is hydraulic