Figure 4-5 p53 was involved in the depletion of GSH but not the generation of NO. The cells were treated with the indicated inhibitors for 1 h and cultured with 50 µM silibinin for 12 h. A: The level of GSH was determined by a GSH assay kit. a: The cells were pre-incubated with SP600125 (10 µM). b: The cells were prc-incubated with pifithrin-a (20 µM). B: The level of NO was determined by DAF-2DA staining and measured by flow cytometry, a: The cells were pre-incubated with SP600125 (10 µM). b: The cells were pre-incubated with pifithrin-a (20 µM). Con: control. Sili: silibinin. SP: SP600125. PFT-a: pifithrin-a.