This study adds to the growing literature seeking to understand the early factors that influence emerging EF abilities important for school readiness and academic success. We examined how parenting behaviors and individual SES indicators contribute to the association between parent and child EF. We found that parenting strictness was associated with parent’s own EF and that parent EF was especially important for children in lower income households, who are already at risk for EF deficits.Therefore, targeting parent EF may be a fruitful strategy and would be beneficial to examine this in future research. Additionally, the role of parent EF was not the same for children who face different SES risks. The association between parent and child EF functioned differently depending on income levels, but not other SES indicators such as parent education and occupational prestige. Taken together, these results suggest the need for more nuanced studies to look at how specific individual factors interact with separate EF constructs to understand the etiology of EF deficits and inform targeted intervention.