The book repeatedly deals with the theme of "dominating death".<BR>The tombstone of Harry's parents reads: "the last enemy to be defeated is death<BR>The meaning of the word is vague and varies according to the context.<BR>What Voldemort really wanted, that is, what the holy things had come together to give, was immortality - never to die. Being able to kill others is another way of dominating death, as the green light of the elder's wand and the avatar's spell shows.<BR>Another way to defeat death is to revive the loved one, as the second brother in the Deathly Hallows story did, as Dumbledore tried to do, as Harry himself longed to do.<BR>In fact, the only way to truly dominate death is to always love and trust those who die.<BR>Dobby died to save Harry and his friends from Malfoy Manor. The process of burying dobby helped Harry recognize his mission better. Dobby's death is beyond doubt: he was killed by Bellatrix because he helped Harry. All Harry can do is to respect and remember him and try to continue this missing. This experience made Harry quickly clear his ambivalence towards Dumbledore and reminded him of the promise he had made to his dead friend, which he had to fulfill.<BR>