Organization and Routine When an order is brought to the department to be completed, an order blank like the one illustrated is filled out and attached to the order. One color of blank is used for mimeographing orders and another color for all other types of secretarial work desired.The person taking the order must be very careful to secure all details of the order request in writing, so that a student will be able to take care of it properly. As soon as a student is available, she is given the order with any necessary verbal instruction, and she proceeds to follow all rules she has learned for that type of work. Let us assume that the order is for a stencil to be cut and run. The student first stamps the cardboard top of the stencil with a rubber stamp : Machine used ................. Cut by ...................... Proof read by ................. Run by ...................... These blanks she fills out as she completes each step of the work (or it is done by whoever does complete each step) so that there is always that check after the work has been completed. Next she chooses her typewriter, cleans the keys, obtains the correction fluid, and begins. If she is a beginner or the work is in a form that makes it difficult to plan the arrangement and spacing of the copy in one draft, she usually types a rough draft and has it approved by the instructor. Whatever method will secure the best and most correct results without wasting material or unnecessary time is encouraged, but after a student passes the beginner's stage, she is encouraged to work for speed of completion as well as accuracy, and must weigh the value of her time against the value of materials and the job. Frequently a student is present for only one hour at a time, so the rule is rigidly enforced that she must report incompleted work to the instructor before she goes and must leave accurate instructions which will enable another student to complete the work. This is usually by written notations. At the end of each hour of time spent for credit in this course, the student must fill out a form like the one illustrated.