PART II – PRODUCTS (Statement of Requirements)2.1.GENERAL NOTE2.1.1.These technical specifications describe the minimum requirements for the goods and related services to be supplied and shall be read in conjunction with the other documents forming the contract. Any ambiguity between the documents forming the contract shall be referred to the public body for clarification in accordance with the provisions of the contract.2.1.2.Suppliers are expected to fulfill the technical features marked with (M) or Mandatory, which are basic and essential. Anyone who does not meet these requirements shall automatically be rejected as non-responsive. 2.1.3.Suppliers must submit with their offers the detailed specifications, drawings, original catalogues/ brochure, samples, etc for the products they intend to supply.2.1.4.Suppliers must indicate on the specifications sheets whether the equipment offered comply with each specific requirement. 2.1.5.All the dimensions and capacities of the equipment to be supplied shall not be less than those required in these specifications. Deviations from the basic requirements, if any, shall be explained in detail in writing with the offer, with supporting data such as calculation sheets, etc. The technical evaluator group reserves the right to reject the products, if such deviations shall be found critical to the use and operation of the products. 2.1.6.Delivery period is the sum of days to deliver the product on site, to install, to test, to train, and to commission the electric traction elevator which will be counted starting from the date of contract signing. 2.1.7.The shaft width & depth, door opining, machine room height, overhead height and pit depth dimension given on the specification table below is the average measured dimension; almost all measurement have some deviation. Therefore this is to recommend you to take an actual site measurement before starting to fill the tender document. And also the contract agreement should be signed after actual measurement winner of the bid by the select the number of elevator du e to 640kg (8person), 480Kg (6 Person) and 320Kg (4 Person) .2.1.8.Supplier’s should summit fanatical proposal in each 640Kg (6 Person) and 320Kg (4 Person) is a mandatory. (for G+7)