Jsp (Java Server Page) is a dynamic technology standard developed by SunMicrosystems in 1999 and is installed by many companies. JSP is a new generation of dynamic content programming technology that inherits the capabilities of Java technology from "writing once and running anywhere" to separate developer development and maintenance from the platform[3]. Html, DHTML, XML, and more create rich content and dynamic web pages. This allows web developers to build web platforms quickly and easily and build powerful web sites. Jsp segrethe user interface can be isolated from the content hierarchy, so web developers do not have to change the underlying dynamic content when changing the overall layout.<br>Java program segments inserted into jsps may work. The first time a JSP page on the server is run, the JSP mechanism on the server first converts the JSP page file to a Java file, then compiles the Java file, generates a bytecode file, and then responds to the client's request. When a JSP is requested to be rerun by running a bytecode file, the JSP engine executes the bytecode file directly to respond to the client. This is also why JSP is faster than ASP. In addition, JSP has made improvements in many other ways. This has the advantage of separating dynamic pages from static pages, which can be done after compilation, avoiding hardware platform limitations. This completely overcomes asp script-level performance flaws.