Connections (Rubberbands) With the connections you can connect pads or SMD-pads of your layout. This is helpful not to forget to route tracks. The connections are also very important for the work with the integrated autorouter. The autorouter uses these connections to route tracks. The connections, displayed as thin rubberband-lines, are also helpful to find a suitable position for components. You may use them to avoid crossing tracks when placing components on the board. To place connections on your board, activate the connection-mode with the corresponding button from the left sidebar: Connections can only be drawn between 2 pads or SMD-Pads. Just click on the first pad, you want to connect. After that, a rubberband "sticks" on your mouse cursor. Now click on any other pad to finish the connection. Pads will light up when they are touched to make connecting easier. Click with the right mouse button, to abort the process.Example of 3 connections Delete existing connectionsTo delete an existing connection, you will have to activate the connection-mode. If you now move the mouse over an existing connection, the connection will be highlighted and the mouse-cursor will change to x. You can now click to delete the connection. Delete connections automatically Sprint Layout is in the position to find out whether two pads are connected by the layout or not. This makes it possible to remove connections between connected pads (routed tracks) automatically. Call Remove Connections (Rubberbands) from the Extras menu or from the corresponding button in the toolbar. This function examines every rubberband-connection and removes it, if the connection between two pads has already been routed. Sprint Layout considers also trough pads for double-sided boards. The function will inform you about removed and remaining connections when the process is finished.