Surgical drains are inserted to permit the drainage of excess serosanguineous fluid and purulentmaterials and to promote healing of underlying tissues. These drains may be inserted and sutured throughthe incision line, but they are most commonly inserted through stab wounds a few centimeters away fromthe incision line so that the incision itself may be kept dry. Without a drain, some wounds would heal onthe surface and trap the discharge inside, and an abscess might form. A closed wound drainage systemconsists of a drain connected to either an electric suction or a portable drainage suction. The closed'system reduces the possible entry of microorganisms into the wound through the drain. The drainagetube are sutured in place and connected to a reservoir. These portable wound suctions also provide foraccurate measurement of the drainage. Generally, the suction is discontinued from three to five dayspostoperatively or when the drainage is minimal. Nurses are responsible for maintaining the woundsuction, which hastens the healing process by draining excess exudate that might otherwise interferewith the formation of granulation tissue. When emptying the container, the nurse should wear gloves andavoid touching the drainage port.
Surgical drains are inserted to permit the drainage of excess serosanguineous fluid and purulentmaterials and to promote healing of underlying tissues. These drains may be inserted and sutured throughthe incision line, but they are most commonly inserted through stab wounds a few centimeters away fromthe incision line so that the incision itself may be kept dry. Without a drain, some wounds would heal onthe surface and trap the discharge inside, and an abscess might form. A closed wound drainage systemconsists of a drain connected to either an electric suction or a portable drainage suction. The closed'system reduces the possible entry of microorganisms into the wound through the drain. The drainagetube are sutured in place and connected to a reservoir. These portable wound suctions also provide foraccurate measurement of the drainage. Generally, the suction is discontinued from three to five dayspostoperatively or when the drainage is minimal. Nurses are responsible for maintaining the woundsuction, which hastens the healing process by draining excess exudate that might otherwise interferewith the formation of granulation tissue. When emptying the container, the nurse should wear gloves andavoid touching the drainage port.