Items Requirements Results VerdictLard or lard derivatives Shall not detected Compliant PNon-volatile matter Not less than 20% by mass 36,29% PDrying time Not more than 6 minutes 5’48’’ PBlush Test The material can be taken to have passed if it has no or slight whitishness, and the film should not show any blistering or peeling off. Complied PScratch Test The material shall be considered to have passed the test if the pilot lamp does not glow throughout scratching of the film Complied PEnumeration and detection ofaerobic mesophilic bacteria Not more than 1×103 CFU/ g. <10CFU/ g PEscherichia coli Shall be free from Escherichia coli Complied PStaphylococcus aureus Shall be free from StaphylococcusAureus Complied PPseudomonas aeruginosa Shall be free from Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Complied PCandida albicans Shall be free from Candida albicans Complied PPb Shall not more than 10ppm N.D. P Hg Shall not more than 3ppm N.D. PCd Shall not more than 3ppm N.D. PAs Shall not more than 3ppm N.D. P