The angular distributions of the observed gamma tran?sitions in Mo and Mo were measured with the fivedetectors at angles 15', 30', 44', 60', and 90' with respectto the beam direction, using Si and Si beams, respec?tively. The yields at high spins were found to be op?timum at 120 and 110 MeV for the Si and Si beams.The target used was 400 pg/cm of Zn rolled onto a 25mg/cm Pb backing.The data were recorded as (i) the singles spectra in thefive detectors, and (ii) the singles spectra gated by themultiplicity filter (set for twofold or higher-fold coin?cidence). The ungated singles spectra were statisticallysuperior; however, the multiplicity gated spectra werecleaner and free of feeding from in beam radioactivity, inparticular, the radioactive decay of ' Tc. The angulardistributions derived for the high spin transitions weresimilar for the two sets of data, hence the latter set wasused, preferentially. Figures 5 and 6 show the angulardistributions for a few transitions in Mo and Mo. Themeasured angular distributions were fitted by the func?tion0+ W(8) = g AkP?(cos 8), (4)