Annex A(informative)Suggested procedure for samplingA.1 Bulk sampling (Number of pieces taken from a shipment or lot)Take at random from the shipment or lot the appropriate number of pieces shown in table A.1 .Ensure that no piece that shows signs of damage or dampness incurred during transit is included in the bulk sample.Table A.1一Bulk samplingNumber of piecesin shipment or lotNumber of pieces comprising bulksample, minimumJ..︹乙八j月叶仄︺3 or less 4 to 10 11 to 30 31 to 7576 or moreA.2 Number of laboratory samplesFrom each piece in the bulk sample, cut (from a position taken at random but at least 3 m from an end of the piece) a laboratory sample of length at least 1 m and of full width. Ensure that areas that are creased or that have a visible fault, or faults, are not included in the laboratory sample.