Determination of Initial Weight The phosphated test coupon shall be cleaned of any foreign material, rinsed with alcohol and blown dry with clean air. Weigh the phosphated test coupon on a calibrated balance. The weight shall be recorded as Wi. Preparation of Stripping Solution—The solution used to remove the metal phosphate coating shall be prepared utilizing one of the methods listed in Annex 9.1. The solution shall be maintained at the recommended temperature. Test coupons shall be completely immersed in the stripping solution for the recommended time interval Determination of Final Weight—The test coupon shall be removed from the stripping solution, rinsed with water, then with alcohol and dried with clean air Weigh the test coupon on a calibrated balance after stripping the phosphate coating. The facility shall demonstrate that the process of stripping and weighing is performed or repeated until (...) the weight difference is not higher than 0.01 gr., this shall be demonstrated if requested and not necessary done daily. To demonstrate the aforementioned requirement, the facility may document this activity in a local procedure that includes as minimum: the stripping solution(s) utilized, concentrations, and the times that the stripping solution(s) can be used without losing the optimum stripping reaction. Once the weight is determined, the value shall be recorded as Wf.