Investment Assessments. A regression analysis wasconducted using the extent to which individuals saw the luxury product as a good investment as the dependent measure and construal condition, individual-level hyperopia, and their interaction as predictors, again following procedures recommended by Aiken and West (1991) and Irwin and McClelland (2003). Hyperopia responses were mean centered, and construal condition was contrast coded as 1 (low) or 1 (high). Neither the main effect of construal level nor hyperopia was a significant predictor of the investment potential of the car. However, as predicted, a significant interaction of construal condition and hyperopia emerged such that the high-level construal ad prompted high hyperopia participants to perceive the luxury product as a good investment more than the low-level construal ad and that, in fact, the pattern of the effect of construal level was reversed for the lower-hyperopia participants. Plotting the values of perception of the luxury car as a good investment at +1 and 1 standard deviation from the mean value of hyperopia yields the depiction shown in figure 3. The interaction of self-control and construal level, by contrast, was not significant .