Depending on the plastic mold structure, the cavity die and core are tightened differently from the template, and the mold assembly process is different. Because the CD box mold uses a half-fit mold, all cores are side-by-side, without the need to top out the device, but when the plastic parts shrink and remove by hand, so this special way of use also has its special structure. Therefore, there are different ways of assembly.<br>(1) Set the assembly benchmark;<br>(2) Before the distribution to measure the parts, qualified parts must go to the magnetic and wipe the parts clean;<br>(3) The cumulative dimensional error after the whole part combination, such as the parallelity of each template to verify the grinding, to ensure that the template assembly tight, the parting surface match area must not be less than 80%, the gap must not be less than the minimum value of the overflow, to prevent the production of flying edges.<br>(4) In the assembly process to maintain as far as possible the original processing size of the plane, in order to the assembly of the mold adjustment inspection;<br>(5) assembly guidance system and ensure that the open mold fit operation is flexible, no loose and stuck phenomenon;<br>(6) assembly machinery core pumping mechanism, arc core pumping mechanism, etc.;<br>(7) After the bearing outer ring is assembled, the contact between the bearing cover at the positioning end and the washer or outer ring shall be uniform;<br>(8) After the rolling bearing is installed, the hand rotation should be flexible and smooth;<br>(9) After the gearbox assembly should be designed and process regulations for empty test. No impact, noise, temperature rise or leakage shall be allowed to exceed the relevant standard sits during the test. After the gear assembly, the contact spots and side gaps of the flanks should comply with the gb10095 and GB11365 regulations;<br>(10) install cooling and heating system, to ensure that the pipeline is smooth, no leakage, no leakage, door action flexible fastening the connected screws, assembly positioning pin. Sealed fillers or sealants are permitted when assembling hydraulic systems, but should be prevented from entering the system;<br>(11) Mold: After the test mold qualified, put the mold mark, including mold number, mold mark and assembly substrate.<br>(12) After checking all kinds of accessories, accessories to be parts, to ensure that the mold is fully equipped, in addition to the assembly process should strictly prevent parts in the assembly process, bump, scratch and rust. Rolling bearings are fitted with oil for thermal installation, which must not exceed 1000C<br><br>Abschnitt 9.2 Montageprozes von Formteilen Die<br>Formgenauigkeit ist einer der wichtigen Faktoren, die Genauigkeit von Kunsttoffformilen beeinflussen. Um die Genauigkeit der Form zu gew?hrleisten, m?ssen bei der Herstellung folgende Farderungen erf?llt sein:<br>9.2.1 Alle Teile der Kunststoffform m?ssen dieanforderungen der entsprechen Zeichnungen hinsichtlich Material, Verarbeitunggenauigke undit W?rmebehandelst erf?llen.<br>(1) Die Teile, aus denen die Formbasis besteht, sollten die spezifizierten Verarbeitungsanforderungen erf?llen, und die zusammengeeevoste K?nnen und die erforderli Parallelit?ts-und Rechtwinkligitsanfordeganegen erf?llen.<br>(2) Die Funktion der Form muss den Konstruktionsanforderungen entsprechen.<br>(3) Um die Qualit?t von Kunstoffformtetetetetezu bestimmen, muss die zusammengebaute Form untergro?en Produktions beddungen gepr?fund? Werden, bis die qualifizierten Formteile gepr?ft sind.