The main result of the present investigation is to illustrate how a model for pig selectioncan look like, and the effect on AG and profit if certain important factors are varied within thegiven model.The most time consuming part of the work has been to find a model simple enoughto make it possible to understand what is going on when certain variables are changed but at thesame time complicated enough to cover necessary requirements. So far the model is by nomeans good enough to allow far reaching conclusions to be drawn. The only thing so far achievedis that the consequences of different testing programs have been illustrated in genetic as wellas economic terms.As the arsenal of tools available to decision makers in pig breeding is getting more and morevaried as well in terms of costs as in terms of effects, the need for an evaluation of the optimumcombination of these tools is urgent. Breeding operation research is a new branch in the scienceof animal breeding. The models, worked out for dairy cattle already have affected the appliedbreeding schemes to a very large extent.The corresponding development in the field of pigbreeding lies still in the future.