About fashion<br>Every year according to popular trends to carry out this year's fashion design trends, but I am not sensitive to these, will not take the initiative to look for this year's trends, but by looking at the road people's clothes every day to judge this year's fashion, such as grid pants, almost go out to see two or three people have to wear. There are also stars with fire scarves hat one of the bear scarves, go out to wait for dinner will see a row of bear hats on the road.<br>These are popular trends, the real fashion trend I do not know, after all, through the past experience, even if I do not understand this trend, they are too advanced, not in line with their current aesthetic and also do not have the courage to wear out, plus these high fashion clothes are generally high prices, so these are not related to me now, as to the future will not be exposed, it depends on the future development.