From Lawton’s feasibility study on car parking options, all of them do not seem to work well L1 office lobby when a normal car ramp will encroach into the headroom of main office ceiling. Lobby area is drastically reduced. Too many carpark levels above that makes the drivers tired of winding up for parking. Mechanical car park can be a solution but expensive in terms of structure and automation system due to large core composition of 300mm high office building. Pls supplement how much GFA loss due to all options in OT2.Having discussed with Moses, pls explore the following options:1. OT3/AT5 podium to be solely used as car park above ground up to 6 levels ( see attached area). How much GFA is taken up in AT5 for carpark2. OT2/AT5 + L4 retail podium are both to be used as car park at the same time. But parking levels should not exceed over 4 stories. Then how much GFA is taken up? See attached area3. No above ground car park, how much SA/Office GFA has to be sacrificed to maintain previously approved car parks?4. Lobby Planning Bureau how much more exemption can be further sought on this severe shortage of car park spacesAccording to LWK’s calculation, further loss of 50 nos car park have not been taken into account when AT5 is changed to SA. The total additional cars required should be around 490 nos.