64 Mounting Means Test64.1 The mounting means of a fixed in place product shall withstand a force of four times the weight of the equipment, but not less than 4.5 kg (10 Ibs), without malfunction of or damage to the mounting means, including any bracket, securing means, or the equipment. When tested as described, the equipment and mounting means shall remain in place with no evidence of damage to the mounting means or the equipment.64.2 To determine if the equipment complies with 64.1, the equipment shall be mounted in accordancewith the manufacturer's installation instructions, using the hardware and construction as prescribed by the manufacturer. If the details of mounting are not specified, 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) thick plasterboard (drywall) on nominal 5 by 10 cm (2 by 4 inch) trade size wood studs spaced on 406 mm (16 inch) centers shall be used as the support surface. The hardware shall be applied as specified in the instructions, and if not otherwise indicated, the securing screws shall be positioned between the stufs and secured into the plasterboard. Adjustable equipment shall be adjusted to the position that will give the maximum progression from the wall. The force shall be applied through a (76-mm) 3-inch wide strap at the dimensional center of the equipment and shall be increased over a 5 to 10 second interval, until a load equal to the weight of the device plus a force of three times the weight if the device, but not less than 4.5 kg (10 Ibs), is applied to the mounting means. The load shall be maintained for one minute65 Strength of Handles65.1 A handle specifically intended for lifting or carrying a portable product shall withstand a force equal to four times the weight of the gquipmept. without bieaking when tested in accordance wilh 65.2.