You can see not only gives us a daily jump start, but new research suggests it also could enhance long term memory according to the US food and drug administration, almost 90% of people worldwide can see about 200 milligrams of caffeine each day. Thanks equivalent to about one strong cup of coffee a day writing in nature and neuroscience, johns hopkins university researchers say their findings show caffeine boost certain memories for up to 24 hours after being consumed. We've always known that caffeine has cognitive enhancing effects, but its particular effects on strengthening memories and making them resistant to forgetting have never been examined in detail in humans. Said senior author of the paper Michael, yes, sir, for many of johns hopkins and now the university of California,We now report for the first time, a specific effect on caffeine on reducing forgetting for 24 hours,Questions?What is the new research mainly about?What do we learn about my career from the news