Wargrin designs, develops and sells many PC games. Gamws have a short lifecycle lasting around three years only. Performance of the games is measured by reference to the profits made in each of the expected three years popularity. Wargrin accepts a net profits of 35% of sales as reasonable.Wargrin has developed a brand new game called Stealth and this has the following budgeted performance figures.The selling price of Stealth will be a constant $30 per game. Analysis of the costs show that at a volume of 10,000 units a total cost of $130,000 is expected. However at a volume of 14,000 units a total cost of $150,000 is expected. If volumes exceed 15,000 units the fixed costs will increase by 50%.Stealth's budgeted volumes are as follows:in addition, marketing costs for Stealth will be $60,000 in year one and $40,000 in year two. Design and development costs are all incurred before the game is launched and has cost $300,000 for Stealth. These costs are written off to the income statement as incurred (i.e. before year 1 above)
Wargrin设计,开发和销售许多PC游戏。汽车的生命周期很短,只能持续三年左右。游戏的性能是通过参考预期的三年受欢迎程度中的每一年所获得的利润来衡量的。华格林接受合理的销售净利润的35%。<br>Wargrin开发了一款名为Stealth的全新游戏,并且具有以下预算的性能数据。<br>Stealth的售价将保持不变,每场$ 30。成本分析表明,批量为10,000个单位时,预计总成本为130,000美元。但是,以14,000单位的数量计算,总成本预计为$ 150,000。如果数量超过15,000件,则固定成本将增加50%。<br>隐形的预算额如下:<br>此外,Stealth的营销成本在第一年将为60,000美元,第二年将为40,000美元。设计和开发成本全部在游戏启动之前发生,Stealth的成本为30万美元。这些费用在发生时(即上述第1年之前)冲销到损益表中