Decreased macro- and micro-nutrient contentAmongst the most important 的简体中文翻译

Decreased macro- and micro-nutrient

Decreased macro- and micro-nutrient contentAmongst the most important adverse effects of salinityon wheat growth is the decreased uptake of nutrientsby the plant. The macro-nutrient content has been correlatedwith the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fattyacids. The two stressful conditions (drought and salinity)decreased the plant’s content of Ca, Mg, and S in itsleaves, and increased the K and P content in the seedlingleaves grown under salinity stress. Although underboth stressed conditions, the micro-nutrient content ofwheat seedlings decreased, the effects of drought stresswere more pronounced [45,46].The effects of alkali and salinity stress on wheatnutrient uptake and metabolite accumulation werecompared by Guo et al. [46]. The results indicated thatthe adverse effects of alkali stress on wheat growth andphysiology was more pronounced than during salinitystress. Under alkali stress, due to the high pH and thesubsequent precipitation of phosphate and metal ions,the availability of ions for plant uptake significantlydecreased. Alkali stress resulted in significant and rapidincreases of Ca2þ in wheat roots; however, this was notthe case under salt stress as the Ca2þ concentrationdecreased in wheat roots.
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结果 (简体中文) 1: [复制]
降低宏观和微观营养成分<br>当中盐度最重要的不利影响<br>对小麦生长是营养物质的摄取减少<br>被植物。宏养分含量已被相关<br>与不饱和至饱和脂肪酸的比例<br>的酸。两个应激条件(干旱和盐度)<br>在其钙,镁,和S的植物的含量降低<br>的叶子,并增加在幼苗的K和P的含量<br>盐度胁迫下生长的叶子。虽然下<br>都强调的条件下,微营养素含量<br>小麦幼苗降低,干旱胁迫的影响<br>进行了更加显着[45,46]。<br>对小麦碱和盐胁迫的影响<br>养分吸收和代谢物积累量<br>由Guo等人相比较。[46]。结果表明,<br>碱胁迫对小麦生长和不利影响的<br>生理学被多于盐度期间显着<br>的应力。下碱应力,由于高pH和<br>磷酸和金属离子的随后沉淀,<br>离子用于植物吸收的可用性显著<br>降低。盐碱胁迫导致显著较快<br>小麦根Ca2þ的增加; 然而,这不是<br>在盐胁迫下的情况下作为Ca2þ浓度<br>小麦根下降。
结果 (简体中文) 2:[复制]
Decreased macro- and micro-nutrient content<br>Amongst the most important adverse effects of salinity<br>on wheat growth is the decreased uptake of nutrients<br>by the plant. The macro-nutrient content has been correlated<br>with the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty<br>acids. The two stressful conditions (drought and salinity)<br>decreased the plant’s content of Ca, Mg, and S in its<br>leaves, and increased the K and P content in the seedling<br>leaves grown under salinity stress. Although under<br>both stressed conditions, the micro-nutrient content of<br>wheat seedlings decreased, the effects of drought stress<br>were more pronounced [45,46].<br>The effects of alkali and salinity stress on wheat<br>nutrient uptake and metabolite accumulation were<br>compared by Guo et al. [46]. The results indicated that<br>the adverse effects of alkali stress on wheat growth and<br>physiology was more pronounced than during salinity<br>stress. Under alkali stress, due to the high pH and the<br>subsequent precipitation of phosphate and metal ions,<br>the availability of ions for plant uptake significantly<br>decreased. Alkali stress resulted in significant and rapid<br>increases of Ca2þ in wheat roots; however, this was not<br>the case under salt stress as the Ca2þ concentration<br>decreased in wheat roots.
结果 (简体中文) 3:[复制]
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