Using a high compressive load inclines the fuel cell flooding because of the decreasing of the GDL's porosity, and the decreasing temperature difference between the GDL and current collector [100]. The external mechanical loads could reduce the water content and conductivity of the membrane, especially at lower temperatures, higher humidities, and inliquid water [101]. Shi et al. [89] investigated the effects of compression during the assembly process on water management and fuel cell performance. The study was carried out onGDLs with different thicknesses, porosities, and compressive loads. They found that the deformation of the GDL results in a low oxygen concentration at the reaction site. In addition, the saturation level of liquid water increases along the flow direction, and it is higher when considering the compression effect. The clamping force makes significant changes on the water concentration and exacerbates the liquid saturation under the rib as a result of porosity and permeability reduction, it also increases the phase change in the cell.