The output power levels shown in the table above are maximum power levels. For any given match and VDD supply voltage, the TXoutput power can be reduced to a less-than-maximum value through the SetPower(x) Rail API command. The effect of such an APIcommand is to reduce the number of enabled fingers in the output device(s), thus reducing the bias current and voltage swing acrossthe presented differential load impedance. The designer does not have direct control over the number of enabled fingers of the outputdevice(s), instead the SetPower(x) command adjusts the power level nearly to x dBm if the Silicon Labs reference matching designsgiven in Table 3.1 Summary of Matching Component Values vs. Frequency (CLNA = 1.0 pF) on page 21 are used with 125 Ω terminationimpedance and the VDD is 3.3 V. For the cases where the PA is fed from 1.8 V generated by the internal DCDC, the RadioConfigurator window should be used in the Simplicity Studio to adjust the SetPower(x) Rail API command to the reduced power levels.In this case the maximum power is around 14 to 15 dBm, as shown in Table 2.2 Differential PA Load Impedance vs Output Power andVDD on page 9. With different matching impedances and with different VDD values, the SetPower(x) command yields a power level,which deviates from x dBm.