

源语言: -
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结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
The first is innovation and development in content. Any artwork will innovate and develop in content with the development of the times. Art is with the times, and every artist must feel the breath of the times he lives in, portraying and praising the customs and customs of his life, no matter who is unwilling and unable to become a vassal or a copy of his predecessors. Under the guidance of the policy of "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend", the art of paper-cutting will win people's favor with its diversity of themes, richness of content, and wide range of practicability. Tradition only reflects the past and is a solidified history. We have a deep attachment and love to tradition, but history will not stop. Only by absorbing the essence of tradition can we radiate the glory of the new era. When we create paper-cuts, we must incorporate the new elements of the times into the content of the picture, and leave something useful for future generations that can reflect the life at that time.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
The first is content innovation and development. Any artwork will innovate and develop in content with the development of the times. Art when at any time, every artist is bound to feel the atmosphere of the times he lives in, depicting the style of his life, no matter who does not want to be a vassal of the predecessors or become a copy of the predecessors. We should be in the "hundreds of flowers in full bloom, a hundred families to fight" policy under the guidance of paper-cut art to the diversity of subject matter, rich content, a wide range of practicality to win people's favor. Tradition only reflects the past, is solidified history, we have a deep attachment to tradition and love, but history will not stop, only to absorb the essence of tradition, in order to radiate the glory of a new era. In the creation of paper-cut, we should dissolve the new originals of the times into the content of the picture, leaving behind something that reflects the usefulness of life at that time.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
The first is innovation and development in content. Any artwork will be innovated and developed in content with the development of the times. Art should keep pace with the times. Every artist must feel the flavor of the times he lives in, describe and praise the local conditions and customs of his time. No matter who is willing or unable to become a vassal or a copy of his predecessors. Under the guidance of the policy of "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend", we should win people's favor with the diversity of theme, the richness of content and the wide practicability. Tradition only reflects the past and solidified history. We have deep attachment and love for tradition, but history will not stop. Only by absorbing the essence of tradition can we radiate the glory of the new era. In the creation of paper-cut, we should integrate the new elements of the times into the content of the picture, and leave some useful things for future generations to reflect the life at that time.<br>
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