Guided-bend RetestsIf one or both of the guided-bend specimens fail to conform to the specified requirements, the manufacturer may elect to repeat the tests on specimens cut from two additional lengths of pipe from the same test unit. If such specimens conform to the specified requirements, each length in the test unit shall be accepted, except the length initially selected for test. If any of the retested specimens fail to pass the specified requirements, the manufacturer may elect to test specimens cut from individual lengths remaining in the test unit. The manufacturer may also elect to retest any length that has failed to pass the test by cropping back and cutting two additional specimens from the same end. If the requirements of the original test are met by both of these additional tests, that length shall be acceptable. No further cropping and retesting is permitted. Specimens for retest shall be taken in the same manner as specified in Tables 19 and 20 and applicable, reprocessing shall be as defined in 10.2.11.