QUALITY ASSURANCEThe Proposal shall include copies of the Tenderer's "Quality Certification Manual'and a comprehensive statement of the "Scope of Quality Verification" exercised inexecuting existing contracts.Sufficient information shall be provided in the Proposal to give assurance that therequirements of quality as described in the Special Conditions are fully understood.23.0 USE OF BANGLADESH MATERIALSThe Tenderers are required to use, wherever possible, equipment, tools, materialsand products manufactured in Bangladesh when available, provided that such itemsshall conform to the applicable specifications.24.0 SPARE PARTS & CONSUMABLESSpares & consumables during Warrantee periodThe Contractor shall submit a list of spare parts with OEM Part No. of all machineryincluding Gas Turbine, Steam Turbine, Generator, HRSG, Water Treatment System,control System, DCS, Emergency Diesel Generator, Gas Fuel System including GasBooster Compressors, liquid fuel system, Low voltage, high Voltage, mediumvoltage electrical equipment and consumables (lube. oils, greases, air & oil filters,chemicals etc.) to be necessary for day to day operation and maintenance of thegenerating units and other plant equipment inclusive of emergency use that takesplace in the course of operation (according to the Manufacture's recommendationand guideline) during the Warranty period (24 months). During the warrantyperiod of 24 months, the Contractor shall supply all necessary equipment, spareparts, materials/consumables etc. at his own cost and whether it is listed or not intheir list. In preparation of the list the tenderer have to consider plant factor as80%.During the warranty period period the Contractor have to conduct (providingall required spare parts and service) at least 1(One) CI for Gas Turbine and at leastone Inspection for other equipment and any other maintenance work for forceoutage.Spares & consumables during Long Term Service agreement (LTSA)The Tenderer shall, in addition to spare parts and consumables for warranteeperiod also submit a list of spare parts with OEM part no. for LTSA period (next 4years after warrantee period) which reflects the OEM's guidelines and Tenderer'sexperience in the operation and maintenance of the type of equipment proposed.For LTSA period also the Contractor shall supply all necessary equipment, spareparts, materials/consumables etc. at his own cost and whether it is listed or not intheir list. In preparation of the list the tenderer have to consider plant factor as80%. During the LTSA period the Contractor have to conduct (providing all requiredspare parts and service) at least 2(Two) CI, 1(One) HGPI & 1(One) MI for GasTurbine and at least one overhauling for other equipment and any othermaintenance work for force outage.25.0 EVALUATION