9.1 List the components and the molecular reactions that occur in chain termination sequencing. 9.2 Discuss the advantages of dye primer and dye terminator sequencing. 9.3 Derive a text DNA sequence from raw sequencing data. 9.4 Describe examples of alternative sequencing methods, such as pyrosequencing and next-generation sequencing (NGS). 9.5 Show dif erent technical approaches to NGS and the two approaches used most in clinical applications. 9.6 Describe how NGS sequencing libraries are made. 9.7 Distinguish primer and probe-based enrichment. 9.8 Defi ne bioinformatics, and describe electronic systems for the communication and application of sequence information. 9.9 Recount the events of the Human Genome Project. 9.10 Explain how variant databases were developed following completion of the Human Genome Project.