c. The eye is farsighted if the rays entering it are focused in back of the retina (Figure A2-4(c)). Thiscan occur either as a result of the eye having a weak refracting force, or that the eye is too shortfrom front to back or by a combination of both factors. In such an instance, in order for the rays tofocus upon the retina, they must enter the eye in a converging beam, and therefore a farsightedeye sees near objects worst of all. This type of eye is harder to correct but eyeglasses help itovercome the difficulty. Shooter's suffering from farsightedness will see the sights very poorly.The characteristic complaint of farsighted persons is that the rear notch seems to fuse with thefront sight.d. An indistinct, hazy image of objects on the retina can also result from astigmatism of the eye