Formaldehyde seriously harm our bodies, and many times we are not aware of the accident only really realized the original is formaldehyde angered disaster. As a high-risk population with poor immunity, the elderly, children, pregnant women susceptible to formaldehyde to taste. Formaldehyde is the biggest culprit result of abortion, why do you say that? Luliang addition to formaldehyde to tell you! 1. Formaldehyde can make anemia in pregnant women, infection, bleeding under the skin, but also severe hearing loss, frequent headaches, light, etc. 2. Pregnant redness, drying, calluses, because repeated exposure to formaldehyde may also become severe leukemia is a serious genetic effects3. The formaldehyde can cause miscarriages or ectopic pregnancy, fetal abnormality, not only to pregnant women, can also affect the baby belly Luliang addition to formaldehyde think, maternal health and maternal reasons, it is best not only for a new home furnishings remain, we have to wait for achieve indoor air can be admitted. To find a professional management company to formaldehyde in addition to formaldehyde, it is very important to you and me, her health reasons.