Due to the sonic boom they create, commercialsupersonic vehicles are banned from traveling over land at supersonic speed. Therefore, a flight over land andsea will consist of mixed cruising at supersonic andsubsonic speed. For our aircraft model and for longdistance flight, supersonic cruise is at Mach 2.4, andsubsonic cruise is at Mach 0.95. Figure 9 illustrates hvs. x for a 4,000 nm mixed speed trajectory. Thetrajectory first cruises at Mach 0.95 for 1,000 nm, andthen cruises at Mach 2.4 for the remaining 3,000 nm. An energy layer is incorporated between the two cruises to transition the vehicle from Mach 0.95 to Mach 2.4.Note that at the beginning of the transition, the vehicledives to optimally pass through the transonic region.Figure 10 displays a similar trajectory, one that beginscruising at Mach 2.4 and ends cruising at Mach 0.95.