Additional training lasting from six months to a daunting one year is sometimesnecessary before an officer is considered fully qualified. The practice has also been forBUD/S graduates to go on to complete a three-week course in standard airbornetraining at the US Army Airborne School at Fort Benning, Georgia. And this is still a longway from the end of the SEAL’s training journey. Following graduation from BUD/She will then undergo a 28-week SEAL Qualification Training program. In this he isgiven all manner of specialist instruction, including such elements as demolition, combatengineering, advanced combat first aid (such as the 26-week Special Operations CombatMedic course), amphibious reconnaissance, advanced parachuting techniques, and muchmore. Note, however, that the recruit can still fail the program, and not make it into theSEALs. In fact, during the year-long complete training program, around 80–85 percentof those who attempt to join the SEALs do not make it to an operational unit.
Additional training lasting from six months to a daunting one year is sometimes<br>necessary before an officer is considered fully qualified. The practice has also been for<br>BUD/S graduates to go on to complete a three-week course in standard airborne<br>training at the US Army Airborne School at Fort Benning, Georgia. And this is still a long<br>way from the end of the SEAL’s training journey. Following graduation from BUD/S<br>he will then undergo a 28-week SEAL Qualification Training program. In this he is<br>given all manner of specialist instruction, including such elements as demolition, combat<br>engineering, advanced combat first aid (such as the 26-week Special Operations Combat<br>Medic course), amphibious reconnaissance, advanced parachuting techniques, and much<br>more. Note, however, that the recruit can still fail the program, and not make it into the<br>SEALs. In fact, during the year-long complete training program, around 80–85 percent<br>of those who attempt to join the SEALs do not make it to an operational unit.