Plot Synopsis You can find a more detailed (spoiler free) account of the player’s background, and the world he inhabits, in the file called ‘Story.pdf’ included with the zip package. Katana follows a man who has spent the better part of his entire life in the employ of The Order as an assassin. And there has come a time where he has had a change of heart, you might say he's become tired of all the killing. He's been wanting out for years, but only now has managed to pull up the sand to cut loose of The Order. He knows that in doing this, his days are numbered, but it's a chance he's willing to take for what he believes is the survival of his soul. Being an assassin on the upper tier at The Order has done him a disservice now that he wants out. The Order makes substantial investments in their top assassins, both monetarily and in terms of time. And let's not forget all the dirty information an assassin in such a position gathers over the years on different organizations -- including the organization that he works for. For those reasons and more, The Order simply does not let their top assassins go. Not alive anyway.