Accumulator maintenanceThe following needs to be checked: check if the housing is damaged, check if the supports and rubbers are damaged, check if the seal of is still in place, and check the nitrogen pressure (Chapter 5.4.3). If the pressure is to low one can refill the nitrogen through the coupling of Figure 7. Accumulator pressure checkThe correct procedure is explained below with reference to : isolate the accumulator from the system and reduce the liquid pressure to zero, remove the protective caps and sealing caps from the gas valve and the gas-fill valve, before mounting the equipment, ensure that knob A is unscrewed, that bleed valve B is closed and that non-return valve C is screwed tight, connect the unit to the gas-fill valve by means of the knurled nut D, and screw valve A to the point where pressure is registered.If the measured value corresponds to the prescribed value remove the equipment by: Unscrew nob A, Open bleed valve, and Unscrew nut DThe maintenance of gas pre-charge has to be ensured. The first check has to be done within the first week after the start-up of the system. If there has not been noticed any leakage, the following check should be carried out after 3 months and afterwards every 6 months.