Micro-DSC profiles for the model membrane (5.7 DMPC : 3.8 DPPS : 0.5 DOPC, blackcurve) and vesicles with the addition of 20% FFAs and corresponding fluorescence anisotropy (r) ofDPH trapped within the named systems. Thermograms are reported for membranes includingsaturated and trans-unsaturated FFAs in panel a, whereas the cis-unsaturated FFAs are shown inpanel b. As for the fluorescence anisotropy (r) trends, the FFAs-free system is shown as black squares,whereas the FFAs considered are c) elaidic acid (blue squares), palmitic acid (green squares) andstearic acid (red squares), and d) oleic acid (blue squares), linoleic acid (green squares) and DHA(red squares). The dashed lines indicate the flex point of the sigmoidal fits with the respective colours.Probe:lipid molar ratio was 1:500.