Construct Validity: A construct is a concept (or word ) that refers to the relationship between events and objects; while it is not something we can sec directly, we think it exists anyway Some prominent psychological constructs include intelligence, aggressiveness, need for achievement, and honesty.Construct validity refers to whether an instrument that purports to measure a psychological construct is actually measuring what it claims to be measuring. Does a test that claims to be an iQ test really measure intelligence? Construct validity is determined by showing that a test is highly correlated with other known tests measuring the same thing or by showing through a series of studies that test scores actually predict how people will behave. For example, if an IQ test has construct validity, people with high scores should be able to solve more puzzles and do other things requiring intelligence than people with low scores.Construct validity is difficult to establish, but it is accepted by the eeoc if there is sufficient research evidence to show that the test is a valid measure of a construct and if a job analysis determines that this construct is a crucial job duty or essential for successful performance. The use of honesty tests in the retail industry illustrates the application of construct validity. Job analyses and employee theft statistics definitely show that honesty is an important personal characteristic for employees who handle cash. Honesty tests have demonstrated good construct validity for measuring honesty, even though their criterion-related validity evidence is meager because of methodological difficulties. However, because they have good construct validity, the use of honesty testing has significantly expanded.