Vitamin D is essential for efficient utilisation ofcalcium and phosphorous in the body which arevital for the production of strong bones and healthynervous and immune systems.Astelin Vitamin D Liquid Kids is suitable as aprevention/treatment for vitamin D deficiency inthose at increased risk. At increased risk are thosemothers and children with darker skin. those whoavoid sunlight or wear concealing clothingVitamin D is important for both lactating womenand nursing infants. Infants who are breast-fedmay require vitamin D supplementation to maintainadequate vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is needed foroptimal bone mineralisation in children especiallyduring times when sunlight exposure is limitedAstelin Vitamin D Liquid Kids contains Vitamin D3which is in the form that is produced naturally inthe body. It can be administered directly into theinfant/child,'s mouth or added to their favouritedrink. It contains no added sugar and no artificialColours or preservativesPut the D back in your day with AstelinAustralia's #1 vitamin D brand